Breads · Breakfast foods

Caramel Pecan Scones–Oh, How I Love You!

This post is dedicated to my dad. My whole life, Dad has held my brothers and me to high standards, supported our educational goals, and encouraged us to work hard. And like me, he loves food. One of his favorites is my grandma’s pecan pie. So in honor of my dad’s love of this holiday favorite, I… Continue reading Caramel Pecan Scones–Oh, How I Love You!


Ambrosia Bread: You won’t believe the secret ingredient!

Let me first say, this bread is AMAZING!!! Seriously, Ambrosia Bread might be the best recipe I’ve created to date. (Usually I’m a pretty modest person, but HOLY CANNOLI, you have to try this!!!) The combination of the sweet cherries, light pineapple, crunchy pecans, and coconut is perfect. Whoever created ambrosia salad is a genius!… Continue reading Ambrosia Bread: You won’t believe the secret ingredient!

Cookies & Brownies

Kathy’s Rich and Easy Brownies: From Scratch!

Rich and easy brownies…What could be better? If you’ve read any of my blog posts, you know that I am a stickler for things homemade. What you might not know is that I ABSOLUTELY LOVE chocolate. In my book, the darker the better. So when I came across this brownie recipe in an old church… Continue reading Kathy’s Rich and Easy Brownies: From Scratch!

How To

How To: Five Ways to Take a Vacation and Still Eat Healthy

This year we took our family on a trip out west. One of my goals for the trip was to eat healthier than we normally do on vacation. I try very hard to plan good meals at home, but I wondered if we could do it for the ten days we were going to be gone on… Continue reading How To: Five Ways to Take a Vacation and Still Eat Healthy