Candies and Snacks · Holiday Ideas

Creamy Chocolate Cheesecake Truffles for Easter (or anytime)

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Easter is coming! What an amazing holiday that celebrates the sacrifice and love of Jesus Christ! Without His selflessness, we would all be lost, with no hope of spending eternity with our heavenly father. That is the best of gifts and the biggest of blessings!

This year for Easter we are not giving our children the traditional Easter baskets filled with purchased candy and toys. Instead we will be giving fun, useful, items. But, what would Easter be without chocolate?! So, I developed Creamy Chocolate Cheesecake Truffles for our kids. We love them to pieces, and I figure what better way to show that love than with handcrafted candy eggs.

Now, you will need a candy mold for this recipe. The filling is a lovely, velvety texture, but it doesn’t take well to hand-rolling. I tried. 🙁 Sadly, it was a huge mess and not very pretty. On the plus side, you can use whatever candy molds you might have. Below are some Creamy Chocolate Cheesecake Truffles where I “painted” the flowers using melted almond bark before filling the cavity with chocolate.

Creamy Chocolate Cheesecake Truffles

We preferred the eggs (Yes, we tried them before Easter). My official taste-testers approve and have asked for a taste every day since I started making these little bundles of joy. They are waaaaay better than purchased candy and have a nice, dark, chocolate flavor. My preference is for darker chocolate, but these would be equally good with milk chocolate or even the colored candy coatings. The snap of the chocolate shell is offset nicely by the velvety chocolate filling. These are yummy!

Creamy Chocolate Cheesecake Truffles Recipe…

Creamy Chocolate Cheesecake Truffles is not the quickest of recipes, so you’ll need to plan ahead a bit. It takes time to let the chocolate shells harden, pipe in the cheesecake filling, and then cover with a bottom layer of chocolate. The final product, though, is drool-worthy! I’m considering keeping a bowl of the chocolate cheesecake filling in my refrigerator at all times. A spoonful can do wonders for a chocolate craving. It really is a good thing that most of the filling from this recipe is now trapped within a hard chocolate shell!

Truly, this recipe is one that makes me happy, and I know our kids will be asking to eat these before Easter breakfast. (I’ll probably let them.) 🙂 This is a truffle I can serve my family and friends that is low in crazy additives but full of rich flavor. What a special treat for a special holiday!

Creamy Chocolate Cheesecake Truffles